GÉANT provides dedicated Partner support to ensure that GÉANT’s NREN partners and their user base (be they institutions, projects, researchers or students) receive the maximum possible benefit from the GÉANT project. The Partner Relations team works as a “go-between” for the NREN partners and the GÉANT project, to facilitate communication and ensure that NREN requirements are met by GÉANT services in terms of service offerings, specification and delivery.
Support to NRENs includes:
Despite the positive impact of successive GÉANT initiatives, the digital divide remains a real issue for many NRENs in Southern and Eastern Europe.
There are still significant differences in terms of levels of networking infrastructure and knowledge across the 43 GN3plus participating NRENs.
NRENs in the lesser-developed European communities may need more assistance to promote and facilitate the uptake of GÉANT services, to support specific user applications (e.g. in education and health) and to provide training and practical experience for NREN staff.
The GÉANT project has a team devoted to assisting those NRENs in need of this type of help, and the work covers the following: