GÉANT’s global connectivity allows researchers, academics and students across Europe to work with their counterparts around the world on collaborative research projects and e-learning initiatives.
In addition to providing the reliable, high-bandwidth capacities required by big science projects such as the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, GÉANT and its global reach supports many other applications of social benefit in fields as diverse as climate research, e-health, e-learning and the arts and humanities. To learn about global collaborations benefiting from GÉANT's global connectivity, click on the links below.
Astronomy |
Bio-medical Sciences |
Environment |
Earth Observation and Early Warning |
Education |
Arts and Culture |
GÉANT’s global connectivity benefits researchers, academics and students both in Europe and in other regions of the world. The Global Focus page features interviews which highlight the value of global interconnectivity and collaboration with GÉANT.
Click here to visit the Global Focus page