Watch videos from the Open Call projects, grouped by subject area.
Network Architecture and Optical Projects
ARES: Advanced Networking for EU genomic research |
eMusic: Using GÉANT dynamic circuits to support remote collaboration in musical education and eCulture |
NSI-CONTEST: Network Service Interface Conformance Test Suite |
CLASSe: Cloud-ABFAB Federation Services in eduroam | |
MEAL: Multidomain eduroam® across LTE | |
SENSE: Secure Enterprise Networks finally Simple and Easy | |
WoT4LoA: Web of Trust based Level of Assurance enhancement |
COFFEE: Coherent Optical system Field-trial For spectral Efficiency Enhancement | |
ICOF: International Clock Comparisons via Optical Fiber | |
IRINA: Investigating Recursive InterNetwork Architecture as the next generation GÉANT and NREN network architecture | |
MOMoT: Multi-Domain Optical Modelling Tool | |
REACTION: Research and Experimental Assessment of Control plane archiTectures for In-Operation flexgrid Network re-optimization |
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AUTOFLOW: Autonomic OpenFlow | |
DREAMER: Distributed REsilient sdn Architecture MEeting carrier grade Requirements | |
DyNPaC: Dynamic Path Computation Framework | |
MINERVA: Implementing network coding in transport networks to increase availability | |
MOTE: Multi-Domain OpenFlow Topology Exchange |
Innovation |
For more information on GÉANT's Research and Innovation Programmes
CONNECT Special Focus: GÉANT’s first Open Call |
We have created GÉANTtv which is a YouTube Channel site dedicated to the promotion of GÉANT related visual material. |