Collaboration with Latin America on End User Services (ELCIRA)
The EC-funded project, ELCIRA (Europe Latin America Collaborative e-Infrastructure for Research Activities) aims to coordinate a series of collaboration tools and services that are being developed in Europe and Latin America to support collaborative work across the two regions.
The main objectives of the project are:
- To establish identify federations in at least two Latin American countries and integrate them into eduGAIN.
- To define standards for and implement a pilot test for the integration of a Latin American and European High Quality Videoconferencing Service.
- To expand the presence of eduroam in Latin America through its implementation by at least two Latin American NRENs.
- To establish a collaboration platform which will provide end user services for European-Latin American user groups, such as web-conferencing, wikis, file transfer, etc).
- To foster collaboration between European and Latin American researchers by supporting existing or potential user groups, promoting the use of electronic collaboration tools, raising awareness of research funding sources and to foster capacity-building in organising and managing virtual research communities.
With a duration of two years from June 2012, ELCIRA is led by RedCLARA and is partnered in Latin America by the NRENs of Brazil (RNP) and Colombia (RENATA). In Europe, the project is partnered by DANTE and TERENA as well as by the NRENs of Italy (GARR) and Spain (RedIRIS).