HEXAAHigher Education External Attribute Authorities |
Participants:Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Számítástechnikai és Automatizálási Kutatóintézete; NIIFI Objective:Develop a new Attribute Authorities (AA) implementation which would facilitate AA integration into federations and eduGAIN. Approach:The HEXAA proposal includes a detailed study on present applications of AA, and profound research on the legal and policy aspects. Due to the problem of the limited attribute set that can be provided by real life Identity Providers a user-centric AA is proposed. Based on this concept, a new AA implementation is to be developed which would facilitate AA integration into federations and eduGAIN. The work will be tightly connected to existing collaboration task forces (REFEDs, GN3plus JRA3) in order to get early feedback and provide knowledge sharing. Moreover, HEXAA plan to integrate the developed solution with multiple e-Science applications. Impact:HEXAA is a new tool that helps to establish standardised collaboration spaces for the R&E community by provisioning profile data, virtual groups, entitlements, services, rights and roles for SAML2 federations like eduGAIN or national federations. The HEXAA project delivers policy documents that are key to complying with legal regulations. Deliverable:To view the final report of this Open Call project visit the resources library. |
Resources: |
CONNECT Special Focus: GÉANT’s first Open Call |
Innovation |
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